Fairview Baptist Church Daniel Fast
from January 2, 2025 12:00 am     .     January 11, 2025 11:00 pm

As a church, the Pastor encourages those who are able to participate in our annual Daniel Fast January 2-11. Since 2023, God has done wonderful things in the lives of those who have chosen to participate in this spiritual discipline. This is a 10-day fast that focuses on drawing closer to the Lord and is a healthy way to begin the New Year both physically and spiritually.

We realize that many have dieatary needs, so here at Fairview, we're going to fast for 10 days and to this we're adding other things you can fast from that hinders your spiritual growth and connection with God.  During this time, we encourage you to not only fast, but pray, be in devotion, and spend time in God’s Word.   See the schedule and suggestions.