Fairview Missionary Baptist Church

Call to Discipleship Response Form.1

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"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NIV)

Please provide the information below. We will contact you soon. God loves you! We care about you!

First Name Last Name
Address Line 2
City State Zip Code
Phone Number
Select from list
Email Address

Select all that apply
To Accept Christ
Re-commit My Life to Christ (I have a church home.)
Become a member of Fairview Missionary Baptist Church
I am Unsure of My Salvation
A Call from the Pastor

Can you answer the following questions with certainty?

Select from list
Select from list

If you are unsure of your destination, or if you cannot say with all certainty that you will go to heaven, we invite you to stop now and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!

If you made the decision to accept Christ, we rejoice with you! Submit the form and we will be in contact with you soon with additional information on your new walk in Christ!

If you are still unsure, submit this form and a counselor will get with you soon to counsel with you and walk you through the Plan of Salvation.

Click confirm and you will receive an automated response, indicating your form was received. Print the information and download the Plan of Salvation document before closing the browser.

* required