12 Step Recovery Program at Fairview

By D. Thompson |  August 22, 2011

 A “Community Outreach for Recovery 12 Step Program” is now being held at Fairview Baptist Church each Monday night from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.   This ministry is open to the community and relates to any type of addiction that one may be dealing with. The focus of the ministry is based on the Life Recovery Bible.   
There are countless types of addictions.  When we think "addiction" we tend to think of drugs and alcohol, but there are so many more. Think of it this way - anything that prevents you from dealing with your true life issues or your family could be an addiction.  Some addictions are more physically dangerous than others, but they are all a way for us to avoid painful feelings.
People can develop addictions to substances, behaviors or activities. They all have the same basic symptoms: loss of control, starting slowly then building over time, and continued use in the face of negative consequences.  Some of these behaviors or activities may be normal, everyday occurrences, such as eating or shopping, which can make it much harder to determine if there is really a problem, and make it easier for the person to mask the problem.
That some things are now classified as "addictions" show that we are changing how we think about types of addictions.  In the past, "addiction" simply referred to physical and psychological dependence on a substance, such as alcohol or drugs. Previously, without a physical dependence on a drug, there could not be a diagnosis of addiction. One reason for this change is that research has revealed that psychological dependence has much more to do with the cycle of addiction than originally thought.

People may become physically and/or psychologically dependent on substances, behaviors or activities.  A list of familiar, as well as unfamiliar, addictions is viewable at www.addictionz.com

Help is available!  Step up and be a part of 12 Step Recovery.  You’re not alone. 
The program will be under the umbrella of Fairview’s Evangelism Ministry, led by Minister Cleo McGlory, and the church’s Prison Ministry, directed by Sister Donna Thompson.  For more information, please contact osbcprisonministry@yahoo.com or contact 12 Step Leader Felicia Nero at felicianero@ymail.com  or 405-889-8371.

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