14th Friends Day at Fairview

By M. Patterson |  May 10, 2011

Dr. Richard L. Blanton of Waco, Texas, is scheduled to preach at Fairview Baptist Church on Sunday, May 22, for the church’s 14th Annual Friends Day.  The order for the day is Sunday School at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship.  The theme is “Our Church Illuminating the Community,” Luke 14:23.
Friends Day at Fairview, which began in 1997, is evangelistic in nature and is a day set aside to celebrate friendships.  It involves the membership deployed in a united effort to invite neighbors and friends, especially those that are unsaved and unchurched, to share in worship on that day.  “Some people who would never think of attending church by themselves will respond positively if asked,” stated Senior Pastor J. A. Reed, Jr.  “This is an opportunity for members to play a major role in the evangelistic outreach of their church.”

Reverend Cleo McGlory, Evangelism Minister at Fairview and Chairman for the day’s activities, is leading the membership in a threefold witnessing campaign:  1) a massive sweep of the residential area surrounding Fairview; 2) each member engaged in inviting personal friends and neighbors, and 3) a call out to all Fairview members to be in attendance on Friends Day. 

The morning preacher, Dr. Blanton, was born and reared in Dallas Texas.  He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Baylor University, Waco, Texas, a Master of Theology from Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, and a Doctor of Ministry at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, Louisiana.  He is currently Protestant Staff Chaplain, Central Texas Veterans Health Care System, Waco, Texas.  As a Clinical Certified Chaplain, Dr. Blanton delivers and supports pastoral care to military veteran patients in various stages of health.  In particular, he is trained and the chaplain for the Post Traumatic Stress Residential Rehabilitation Program, the only Veterans Administration (V.A.) unit in Texas.  He is endorsed by the National Baptist Convention of America Inc.  Rev. Blanton was recently called as pastor of the historic New Hope Baptist Church in Waco.

Dr. Blanton held various positions in worldwide military chapel ministry including pastor of congregations, hospital chaplain, one year in-resident student at the Air Command and Staff College, supervisor of military and civilian personnel, and Chief of Chaplain Services at Dyess AFB, Abilene, Texas, and Prince Sultan Air Base, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  He retired in September 2003 with over 21 years of active military service.  His previous pastoral assignments include New Hope MBC in Dawson, Texas, interim pastor at St. John MBC, Dallas, and pastor at Olivet Baptist Church in Gulfport, Mississippi.

The Fairview Family extends an invitation to its friends throughout the Oklahoma City community to worship with them on May 22 and experience the joy of Christ.  The church is located at 1700 N. E. 7th Street in Oklahoma City.  For additional information or transportation, call the church at 405-232-1621. 

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