Fairview Baptist Church was organized in June 1909. Our first meeting place was 531 N. Kelham Avenue.  The church was named Fairview because it faced the Fairgrounds, which stood at the present location of Douglass High School.  Our first Pastor was Rev. Jeff Roberts.  Fairview later moved to its present location of 1700 N. E. 7th Street.  
In 1914, the church called Rev. J. D. Provo as its Pastor.  He served for 19 years and resigned.  Rev. S. S. Fairly was called to the church in 1933.  Pastor Fairly led the church in the building of a new sanctuary, which was completed in 1954. 
At the annual meeting of the church, December 31, 1962, the church extended the call of Assistant Pastor to the Rev. John A. Reed, Jr.  On the second Sunday in January, 1963, Rev. Reed accepted the call to become Assistant Pastor.  On January 12, 1969, at the close of morning worship, the yoke of pastoral responsibility was passed on to Pastor Reed.  In June 1975, Dr. Fairly went home to be with the Lord.  January 2010 marked 47 years of Pastor Reed’s continued, faithful spiritual leadership to the Fairview Baptist Church Family. 
Fairview has continued to grow physically and spiritually.   In 1990, we moved in our present sanctuary.  The old sanctuary and fellowship hall were renovated and, in December 1999, dedicated as the Donald E. Burns Educational Center and Fellowship Hall.  Under Pastor Reed’s leadership, the membership has grown from 500 to 2,500. 
Fairview has continued to be one of the leading churches in our city, state, and nation.  Pastor Reed currently serves as President of the Oklahoma Baptist State Convention, President of Oklahoma City’s Baptist Ministers Association (BMA), and President of the Concerned Clergy for Spiritual Renewal (CCSR).  He has provided over four decades of strong, visionary Christian leadership in the community and state.  January 2010 marked 47 years of leadership to Fairview.  In June 2008, Dr. Reed was selected to serve as 5th Vice President of the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education, an auxiliary to the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.  In September, 2009, Pastor Reed was recommended by Convention President Elect, Dr. Julius Scruggs, and confirmed by the Convention body to serve as Vice President of the National Baptist Convention, overseeing the work of the Convention’s Western Region. 
We have nearly 50 ministries in place to support and meet your needs, in whatever stage of life you are in.  Presently, we have:  Family Enrichment Ministry, Men’s and Women’s Ministries, a Senior Saints Fellowship Ministry, a growing Church School as well as a Christian Education Ministry, Evangelism and Discipleship, Youth Fellowship and Youth Ministries and a growing Young Adult Ministry.  Other ministries include:  Music and Fine Arts, Library, Adult and Youth Usher, Nurse/Healthcare, Hospitality, Communication and Public Relations, Social Action, Prison, Media, Fishes and Loaves, Grief and many more!  We are constantly developing and implementing programs to minister to the needs of our congregation.  
2009 marked Fairview’s 100th year of service to the Oklahoma City community, the State of Oklahoma and the nation.  The theme for the year-long celebration was “100 Years of Implementing the Great Commission.”  

During the year 2013, our Pastor and his wife celebrated 50 years of service at the Fairview Church.  This was a great milestone in the life of our church and people from across the nation joined in the celebration.

The year 2014, the church theme was "Living in the Spirit." All programs for the year were centered on the sprituality of ministry work.  On February 13, 2014, our church experienced the loss of First Lady Patricia Reed, a loss that would impact the hearts and minds of our Church Family for many years to come.  She will forever be missed!  Our church continued to press forward, under the leadership of our devoted Pastor and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

In 2016, our church hosted the first John A. Reed, Jr. Ministerial Ethics and Preaching Conference.  Pastors and Preachers from across the state and some from surrounding states attended the event.  It marked a highlight in the life and legacy of Dr. Reed. The church launched it's Facebook page, Fairview Missionary Baptist Church of OKC.  In 2017, the electronic medium expanded to include Instaram and Twitter.  These platforms expanded the reach of the church's ministry.

In June 2018, Fairview had the awesome privilege once again to serve as host church for the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education with Pastor Reed serving as Chair of the Host Committee.  Many members of Fairview served in key roles on the Committee and were instrumental in the success of the Congress.  Thousands of Baptists from across the nation was in the City for the week and left giving the highest regards to the state of Oklahoma and Oklahoma City for it's hospitality.Through

The church theme for 2019 was "Being the Church Today."   Throughout the year, we were challenged to measure our mission and ministry against the Biblical blueprint of what the church should be and how it should be represented in today's society.  All teaching and preaching focued on the theme.  We closed the church year with the 110th Church Anniversary and Homecoming on December 1.  A "Red Church Reunion" was held on November 30, a time when former members and current members from the period of 1973 up to present gathered together to reminisce of the days in the "Red Church," the 1954 sanctuary.  A great time was had by all.

2020 started out as any year with our normal church ministry plans.  The church calendar as written was interrupted by a pandemic that would affect the lives of millions around the world, COVID-19.  In-house worship and programs were suspended effective April 1, 2020.  The church moved to a virtual platform, utilizing Facebook and YouTube as a means Sunday Morning Worship and Wednesday Bible Study.  Sunday School Study groups and Ministry meetings were held through use of technology.  However, the church grew stronger in its mission.  The church, through the coordination of the Fishes and Loaves Ministry, distributed food baskets that provided food that fed over 2,000 people each month.  Through the use of technolgy, the preach Word and teaching had a far greater reach.  In spite of it all, souls were saved and many recommited their lives to service. 

God, through His unfailing mercy and grace, brought the church back to the Sanctuary in March 2021 for Morning Worship Service.  Later in the year, other Ministries were able to resume in-house.  

In March 2023, the church celebrated the 60th Pastoral Anniversary of Dr. John A. Reed, Jr., which included a Gala Celebration as none other!  Pastor Reed celebrated his 85th birthday on March 25.  Yet, he continued to teach and preach as though it would be his last.

On August 22, 2024, Pastor Reed suffered a medical episode from which he did not recover.  He was called Home on August 26, 2024 at 11:55am.  Condolences and prayers came from across the nation.  Homegoing celebrations were held to honor the life and legacy of God's servant!

The church continue to move on.  Rev. Derrick E. Walter, Sr., Co-Pastor to Dr. Reed, picked up the mantle and continued to lead the church, as had been the desires of the Late Dr. Reed.  Rev. Walter was installed as Senior Pastor of Fairview on October 27, 2024.  

Fairview continues to grow in ministry and the knowledge and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  The Pastor remains steadfast in teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and admonishing the members to abide in the fruits of the Spirit and above all, abide in love.