Fairview Bapt
ist Church is a friendly church, a family church, and a faithful church. Fairview is a church where you will find warm smiles, caring hearts, and a loving spirit!
We are a Bible-based church!. At Fairview, we believe that the Bible is God's inspired Holy Word! Here you can be assured of sound Biblical preaching, sound Biblical teaching and believers' lives being built on Biblical Blueprints!
We are a Christ-centered church! In all of our endeavors, we lift the name of Jesus! We preach Jesus! We sing Jesus! We teach Jesus! And, above all, we love Jesus!
We are a Spirit-filled church! We believe in allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way.
Fairview is a growing church. Fairview has continued to grow physically and spiritually. In 1990, we moved in our present sanctuary. The old sanctuary and fellowship hall were renovated and, in December 1999, dedicated as the Donald E. Burns Educational Center and Fellowship Hall. Under Pastor Reed’s leadership, the membership has grown from 500 to 2,500.
Fairview is a visionary church. Fairview has continued to be one of the leading churches in our city, state, and nation. Pastor Reed currently serves as Vice President of the Western Region of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., the largest Black Baptist religious body with over 7.5 million members. He is the President of Oklahoma City’s Baptist Ministers Association (BMA) and President of the Concerned Clergy for Spiritual Renewal (CCSR). He has served as President of the Oklahoma Baptist State Convention, President of the Oklahoma Baptist State Congress of Christian Education and Moderator of the East Zion District Association. He has provided over five decades of strong, visionary Christian leadership in the community and state.
Fairview is a ministry oriented church. We have ministries in place for you in whatever stage of life you are in. Presently, we have: Family Enrichment Ministry (Married Couples and Singles), Men’s and Women’s Ministries, a Senior’s Fellowship Ministry, a growing Church School, Children, Youth and Young Adult Fellowship and Ministries. Other ministries include: Music and Fine Arts, Library, Adult and Youth Usher, Nurse, Hospitality, Communication and Public Relations, Discipleship, Social Action, Media, Fishes and Loaves, Grief and many more! We are constantly developing and implementing programs to minister to the needs of our congregation.
If you are looking for a church home, let your search be ended! Fairview is a place where you can become a part of a loving, Christian family. This is a church where you can truly grow in Christ. At Fairview you can use and develop your gifts and talents in service to both God and humanity. Whether you are a babe in Christ, or a senior saint, Fairview Baptist Church is the place for you! We invite you to come grow with us, serve with us, and share with us as we worship and praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!