NBC, USA, Inc. History

Founded in 1886, the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. (Convention) is the nation’s oldest and largest African American religious convention with an estimated membership of 7.5 million. 
In September of 2009, the body elected a new Baptist Chieftain as its seventeenth president, the Reverend Dr. Julius Richard Scruggs. His platform was founded on the theme, "Solidarity With the Savior." The mandate for this servant was overwhelming for more than 75% of the vote was cast in favor of Dr. Scruggs.  He had served the Convention as Vice-President at-large during the Shaw Administration.  His campaign theme of "Solidarity with the Savior" will reflect the Christ-centered ecclesiology that will guide his administration.

In September 2014, Dr. Jerry Young was elected the eighteenth president.  Dr. Young served as the Vice-President-At-Large under both the Shaw and Scruggs administrations.  Dr. Young's platform theme is, "Envisioning the Future Exceptionally."

From humble beginnings in 1880 with only 151 delegates, and in spite of several major splits, the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. remains the largest black Baptist convention, counting millions of members from churches, district associations and state conventions across the Continental United States and around the world.

Click here to read the full history of the Convention.

The mission & purposes of the Convention are:

The mission of the Convention is to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and healing.

In addition to such ancillary purposes and statutory powers as are detailed in its Articles of Incorporation, the basic objectives and corporate purposes of this voluntary global fellowship are as follows:

a. To unite National Baptist churches, district associations, and state conventions in Christian evangelism so as to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and healing;
b. To promote home and foreign mission efforts;
c. To encourage and support Christian education;
d. To publish and distribute Sunday School and other Christian literature, music, and other works of art and religious expression; and
e. To engage in any other endeavors deemed fitting and proper in order to advance the cause of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

The Convention Officers include:
• President
• Vice President-at-Large
• Six (6) Regional Vice Presidents
• General Secretary
• Four (4) Assistant Secretaries
• Treasurer
• Assistant Treasurer
• Statistician
• Editor of the National Baptist Voice
• Historian
• Parliamentarian
