Welcome to "The View”
We hope the answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQs) below will address your curiosity about Fairview. If you still have unanswered questions, call the church.
What Should I Expect When I Visit?
We hope you’ll join us for a weekend service to learn more about our church. Our worship periods are designed to meet the spiritual need of all worshippers. Through traditional hymn and gospel music as well as contemporary music and practical messages, we present the ageless truths of God’s Word in a manner that is easy for anyone to understand.
Our Senior Pastor, Dr. J. A. Reed, Jr., preaches an uncompromising Gospel. You can expect that when you leave the worship service, you will know that you have been in the presence of God!
We are a friendly people with a friendly message. We welcome you to come and share with us.
Get Directions: Map It!
We are conveniently located just north of the intersection of two major Interstate Highways (I-40 and I-35). Take the Martin Luther King Avenue exit. We are three blocks west on N. E. 7th Street (1700 N. E. 7th Street). (405) 232-1621.
If you have children, we have Children's Church on the first, third and fourth Sundays for ages 6 - 11. The Nursery is available for those aged five and under. Please sign them in at the Donald Burns Fellowship Hall and Educational Center.
Adult worship is held in the main sanctuary. Enter the building on the West side on Dr. S.S. Fairly Drive. Parking is available on the East and South sides of the main sanctuary and on the West side of the Donald Burns Fellowship Hall and Educational Center. Handicap parking is available on the South side of the sanctuary and those with limited mobility may be dropped off and picked up in front of the doors on the West side entrance of the main sanctuary.
Is there a dress code?
We ask that you dress in a manner that is decent and in order. The third Sunday is designated as "Casual Sunday." Worshippers are asked to not wear shorts or halters to worship. On the first Sunday of the month, you will notice that most FBC Family members are dressed in red and/or black. During the summer months, some will dress in red and/or white on first Sunday. This attire is not mandatory but is the adopted colors for that Sunday.
What should I bring?
Come prepared to receive the Word that has been prepared for you, as sent from God to be delivered by His messenger. We encourage you to bring your Bible but, if you do not have and cannot afford a Bible, we will be happy to provide you with one.
Will I be asked to give an offering?
Visitors, we encourage you to be led by your heart and mind and the Word of God taught and preached, as to whether you choose to give. Regular attendees do believe in Biblically based giving and can give during the period of Tithes and Offering, through the mail, or online through Givelify.
Can I take Communion?
We believe that Communion (The Lord’s Supper) is for all Baptized believers. We have Communion on the first Sunday of the month during our Sunday morning worship. At that time, the Pastor will provide the congregation with the meaning of the Supper and the eligibility for participation.
How do I become a member of Fairview?
After the sermon, the opportunity will be made available to receive Jesus Christ, become a member and or to rededicate your life. You can come forth at any time you hear "The Invitation is Extended." This takes place during normal worship services and events where the public is invited to attend. You may also visit with the Pastor at any set time and he will gladly offer you the opportunity to be accepted into the church membership. We realize that some people mamy not be able to physically come to the church due to illness, distance, etc. You may become a member of our fellowship by completing the "Call to Discipleship" Form on the website, or click here. You will be contacted by the Evangelism Pastor, who will connect you with the Senior Pastor.
Can I meet the Pastor?
Meet our Pastor following the worship services. He looks forward to meeting you personally after each of the worship periods. Simply come down front so that he can personally greet you. If you need to have a private conference with him, call the church office and inform him of your need.
When does Fairview meet?
Our regular Sunday schedule is Sunday School Study Groups at 9:l00 a.m. and Morning Worship at 10:00 a.m. On Wednesday nights we have Ministry meetings at 6:00 p.m., Bible Study, Children and Youth Fellowship and Young Adult (YoungView.) Fellowship at 7:00 p.m. We gather for prayer following Wednesday night's Bible Study, normally 8:00 p.m. to 8:15.
How can I get in touch with someone?
Call the church office or email the appropriate person by clicking on the link.
What Should I Expect When I Visit?
We hope you’ll join us for a weekend service to learn more about our church. Our worship periods are designed to meet the spiritual need of all worshippers. Through traditional hymn and gospel music as well as contemporary music and practical messages, we present the ageless truths of God’s Word in a manner that is easy for anyone to understand.
Our Senior Pastor, Dr. J. A. Reed, Jr., preaches an uncompromising Gospel. You can expect that when you leave the worship service, you will know that you have been in the presence of God!
We are a friendly people with a friendly message. We welcome you to come and share with us.
Get Directions: Map It!
We are conveniently located just north of the intersection of two major Interstate Highways (I-40 and I-35). Take the Martin Luther King Avenue exit. We are three blocks west on N. E. 7th Street (1700 N. E. 7th Street). (405) 232-1621.
If you have children, we have Children's Church on the first, third and fourth Sundays for ages 6 - 11. The Nursery is available for those aged five and under. Please sign them in at the Donald Burns Fellowship Hall and Educational Center.
Adult worship is held in the main sanctuary. Enter the building on the West side on Dr. S.S. Fairly Drive. Parking is available on the East and South sides of the main sanctuary and on the West side of the Donald Burns Fellowship Hall and Educational Center. Handicap parking is available on the South side of the sanctuary and those with limited mobility may be dropped off and picked up in front of the doors on the West side entrance of the main sanctuary.
Is there a dress code?
We ask that you dress in a manner that is decent and in order. The third Sunday is designated as "Casual Sunday." Worshippers are asked to not wear shorts or halters to worship. On the first Sunday of the month, you will notice that most FBC Family members are dressed in red and/or black. During the summer months, some will dress in red and/or white on first Sunday. This attire is not mandatory but is the adopted colors for that Sunday.
What should I bring?
Come prepared to receive the Word that has been prepared for you, as sent from God to be delivered by His messenger. We encourage you to bring your Bible but, if you do not have and cannot afford a Bible, we will be happy to provide you with one.
Will I be asked to give an offering?
Visitors, we encourage you to be led by your heart and mind and the Word of God taught and preached, as to whether you choose to give. Regular attendees do believe in Biblically based giving and can give during the period of Tithes and Offering, through the mail, or online through Givelify.
Can I take Communion?
We believe that Communion (The Lord’s Supper) is for all Baptized believers. We have Communion on the first Sunday of the month during our Sunday morning worship. At that time, the Pastor will provide the congregation with the meaning of the Supper and the eligibility for participation.
How do I become a member of Fairview?
After the sermon, the opportunity will be made available to receive Jesus Christ, become a member and or to rededicate your life. You can come forth at any time you hear "The Invitation is Extended." This takes place during normal worship services and events where the public is invited to attend. You may also visit with the Pastor at any set time and he will gladly offer you the opportunity to be accepted into the church membership. We realize that some people mamy not be able to physically come to the church due to illness, distance, etc. You may become a member of our fellowship by completing the "Call to Discipleship" Form on the website, or click here. You will be contacted by the Evangelism Pastor, who will connect you with the Senior Pastor.
Can I meet the Pastor?
Meet our Pastor following the worship services. He looks forward to meeting you personally after each of the worship periods. Simply come down front so that he can personally greet you. If you need to have a private conference with him, call the church office and inform him of your need.
When does Fairview meet?
Our regular Sunday schedule is Sunday School Study Groups at 9:l00 a.m. and Morning Worship at 10:00 a.m. On Wednesday nights we have Ministry meetings at 6:00 p.m., Bible Study, Children and Youth Fellowship and Young Adult (YoungView.) Fellowship at 7:00 p.m. We gather for prayer following Wednesday night's Bible Study, normally 8:00 p.m. to 8:15.
How can I get in touch with someone?
Call the church office or email the appropriate person by clicking on the link.