Black History Activities Include Old School Church / Community Service Award
By M. Patterson | February 15, 2016
Fairview Missionary Baptist Church invites the community to be a part of the remainder of its Black History Month activities. The events began on February 5.
This Sunday, February 21, is “Old School” Sunday. The order of service for the 10:00 a.m. worship will be resonant of early days at Fairview, including traditional devotion, the Responsive Reading, lined hymns, testimonials, church announcements, Altar Call and more. A special feature, “Who Am I,” will be shared by Fairview youth. The sermon will be brought by 53-year veteran pastor, Dr. John A. Reed, Jr.
The afternoon of the 21st, the church family will go to Cinemark Tinseltown to see the 4:00 p.m. showing of the movie “Race,” the story of Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens.
On February 28, the Sunday School Drama Ministry will present its Black History Program at 9:00 a.m. Presentations will include skits, “What I Wasn’t Taught in School” and "Youths’ Poetic Expressions," along with other expressions, music, and liturgical dance.
Dr. J. Weldon Gilbert, Pastor of the St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church, Lawton, will be the guest preacher for 10:00 a.m. worship. Dr. Gilbert is a native of Houston, Texas. He was a member of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, where he received his call into the Gospel ministry, was licensed, ordained, and served as Associate Minister and Youth Leader.He attended Bishop College in Dallas, Texas. He received a BA in Business Administration and Management from Prairie View A&M University, a Master of Divinity from Virginia Union University School of Theology, and a Doctor of Ministry from United Theology Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Gilbert wrote his dissertation on “Raising the Educational Aspiration of Young Black Boys in a Local Community with an Emphasis of Reframing the Dialogue on Racism”.
The John A. Reed, Jr. Spirit of the Community Award will be presented to six award nominees at the end of the morning worship period. This award was created in 2010 by Dr. John A. Reed, Jr., Senior Pastor of Fairview, as a way to recognize citizens who have gone above the call of duty by volunteering their time and resources for the betterment of the community. Past recipients include persons involved in community activism, education, political activities, professional service, and religious service.
Fairview is located at 1700 N. E. 7th Street in Oklahoma City. Brother Erick Harris is Director of the Black History Ministry. For more information on the various events, visit Fairview’s website, www.fairviewokc.com, email blackhistory@fairviewokc.com or contact the church office at (405) 232-1621.