Women's Ministry Model
We, as women of God, are dedicated to the service of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our service motto is, “As ye have done it unto one of the least of these, you have done it unto me,” Matthew 25:40.
The Women’s Ministry offers programs throughout the year aimed at the spiritual enrichment of the women and youth of our Fairview family. Some of the projects are: Mission Focus weekend, Women’s Ministry workshop, Mission Action and Enlistment Program, Youth Round-up, Women’s Conference and Cookies with Love, which ministers to Fairview’s own seniors and sick and shut-in members.
Our work in the community involves service in many area nursing homes. This service includes distribution of toiletries, socks, and other items to contribute to the comfort of the home residences. This is done through our Christmas in August Project. Once a month, we, along with a minister from Fairview, conduct church service at these nursing homes. Other community services are our Senior Birthday Party at the Marie Toliver Center, and our work with the Emerson School for unwed mothers. The women of the Ministry donate baby clothes, diapers, baby wipes, baby toiletries items, and other items for the mothers.
The Women’s Ministry meets twice each month. Day groups meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. The evening groups meet each second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Ladies, if you feel God’s call in life to GO AND SERVE, come and join us in our service to the Master.
Ladies of the Women’s Ministry dress in white on Annual Men and Women’s Ministry Day, Focus Sunday, and on all 5th Sundays. The women sit together with their group and wear their group flower on 5th Sundays.
Marcy Turner, Ministry Director | |
Phone: | 405-232-1621 |